Blog Archive

Friday, December 31, 2010

T.D. Jakes Ministries/The Potter's House

What will you do with the rest of your life? The decision you make, based on this question alone, will determine the quality of life you will experience. Take the time to search deep within yourself for the answers to this question. Make a decision. And when you’re ready, begin the transformation process. How you live your life from this day forward is entirely up to you.

You can’t spend your life in the graveyard of guilt dealing with the corpses of the past. Know when things are dead, know when to release them and bury them. If you continue to work with the dry bones of dead issues, you too will begin to decay. No amount of work will resuscitate a corpse. Sign the death certificate and bury the past.

The gift, talent or ability God gave you is your key to success. God did not give it to you to be put on display behind a glass showcase. He did not give it to you to waste. Nor did He give it to you for you to hide and deny it out of a false sense of religious humility. God gave you a gift to be poured out, used and invested.

We are here on this earth to spread the gospel and to reach every living person with a message of hope and deliverance. We are called to enforce what Jesus did on Calvary when He completed His purpose and said, “It is finished.” He was telling us that He had done all He could do and we must carry on that work.

Life will always present broken places, places of struggle and conflict. If you have a divine purpose and life has put you on hold, hang on! Stay on the line until life gets back to you. If you believe as I do, then it’s worth the wait to receive your answer from the Lord.

My prayer is that you will soon experience the fullness of God’s promises in your life. We often limit Him and what He is able to do because our heart dwells in past disappointments. Don’t let what you went through define who you are and what God will ultimately do.

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