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Friday, April 6, 2012

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus

When Jesus took His last breath here on earth...the soldiers at the scene of the Cross were dividing up the spoils, as was their way. But this time, the pickings were slim. No money. Jesus had lost even the clothes on His back, exchanging them for some wood & nails. He had no home of His own. His only visible means of support had been His network of friends - but now they were mostly scattered orhidden. Alone. No last will, nothing to probate. He'd given over the care of His mother to someone else. He had no children -- no legacy, as this culture saw it. And now, He was being stripped even of life itself. Nothing left but a corpse, in a grave, the stony end. Nothing. And what of us, who live our lives in a world stuffed with stuff, putting our treasures in the retirement account of earthly life, some of us with families, some with friends. What of our life of blessings & curses? The end. Of the beginning. Because it all comes to the same stony end. And all that's left then is what had been there all along, hidden beneath all the stuff of life. A loving God who is with us & for us. Jesus who was left with nothing, who went into the tomb, but didn't stay there. Nothing became everything. And we can share in that everything now, while we are still alive, whatever we might have. Lord, You are at the end of everything. You are at each new beginning. You are in between, where we are now. You make something worthwhile out of nothing. Help us be part of the Kingdom for which You have set us apart. Amen.

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