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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

First Loved

It was Abraham's life God was asking for. God was asking for his complete and devoted trust in His word, that he would trust God and love God above and beyond any earthly possession or attachment.

Knowing myself as I do. I doubt seriously I could offer up a sacrifice of my sons or daughter. When I read his word, I was astounded, hurt, and dismayed. Because I knew in my heart that is... NOT the kind of God I serve. I know, and YOU know, Jehovah is a loving God, a compassionate and righteous Lord to serve, because His love endures forever. It was a test children. A statement made to prove loyalty, unswerving faithfulness for the trials to come. At no time was Jacob in danger of losing His life. The faithfulness of Abram proved to God that His children can be trusted to carry out His divine plan. The stage was set for the Father of testers to prove His enduring love and unswerving faithfulness to disobedient and sinful children. He experienced the pains and joys of humanity, ultimately suffering in our place as a sacrifice for our sins. While Jesus never gave up His divinity, He chose to take the form of a human to show the full extent of His love.

Where is there a Father on earth who would have the bigness of heart to carry out such a scheme? There was no other way, no other route to take, no other name to claim our salvation; committed, anointed, and blessed throughout heaven and earth; bruised, pierced, thrashed, and mocked to save such wretched souls. A marriage made in heaven, blessed and sanctified. “Where shall I go from your Spirit? Where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.” How far we have come. By grace we have been delivered; by mercy, first loved above all others, through an enduring everlasting Love, we are and evermore, thought of - First.

He is present in the lives of each believer in Christ (Galatians 2:20)
God is present on His throne (Revelation 4:2)
He was present at the Jewish temple (2 Chronicles 7:2)

† Christ With In Us †

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