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Thursday, December 18, 2014


Sandi Krakowski
WORD FOR TODAY: December 18, 2014. The ‪#‎BEMORE‬ minute: Today I felt led to give you a powerful minute of influence. So many people WAIT for God to change them. They PRAY for God to change their habits, lifestyle and more. The reality is this: INSIDE OF YOU God put a lion, a WARRIOR... and inside of you is ALL the power you need to change. Heaven waits...... hovering over you... hoping you'll get into agreement with all that is within you. When we do... everything changes. We're not victims, waiting for God to have mercy on us and change us. JESUS PAID for all we will ever need and when He dwells within us, the Bible says He dwells there, lives there, the SAME POWER that raised Him from the dead LIVES In us... when we just simply receive God's free gift of salvation in Jesus ALL OF THIS POWER take residence in us and our lives are forever changed. The delusion, the great lie is this... the enemy wants us to think we are impotent, without power and victims. WHY does he do this? Because he is TERRIFIED OF US. He KNOWS that the same power that raised Christ from the dead now dwells inside of us... so he lies to us and hopes we'll get into agreement with his lie! But the truth is this..... if Jesus lives in you, you are UNSTOPPABLE... you are POWERFUL.... you are able to change anything you want about yourself because it's not you, your own will and your own determination, it's CHRIST IN YOU, the HOPE of glory, changing you. So how do we do this? We get into agreement. We AGREE with who God says we are. We reject and renouce the lie and we RISE TO OUR highest TRUEST self... the Champion God made us to be with power to do and be anything! OH GLORY this is a truth the world needs to hear. RISE UP TODAY mighty warriors. RISE UP Champions... don't let your head or your arms hang low one more minute. YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE and POWERFUL in Him! When I tell you to #BEMORE you now know what I mean!!!!!

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