Blog Archive

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Saved, When, God, Able...

Photo: So thankful that God loved us so much that He gave His One and Only Son... Now that's Love! #COGICPhoto: When God is with you the impossible becomes possible. - John Hagee MinistriesPhoto

Know, Trial, God, Fact...

Photo: Let us PRAY for You...
"LIKE" post if you would like #prayer for God to intervene in your situation and increase your hope for tomorrow. "SHARE" to bless your friends.Photo: Praise God for the trial you are going through and know that He is leading you to the perfect answer! - John Hagee MinistriesPhoto: When your priorities are centered in God, your priorities will get you where you want to go. - John Hagee MinistriesPhoto: #smokymtnchristian

Ark, Give, Day, Wrong...

Photo: If things feel like they are moving too slowly, STAY STRONG! You will get there! 

#Perseverance #DontGiveUpPhoto: "Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven!
For His mercy endures forever.
Psalm 136:26"Photo: #smokymtnchristianPhoto: Don't be afraid to be different

Argue, Ease, Magic, Met...

PhotoPhoto: Visit >> the site for daily inspiration.Photo: Amen. :)Photo: Nothing more 2 say

Give, Love, Friends, Storm...

PhotoPhoto: Give someone a (((((((hug))))))) today! <3Photo: Godly relationships are important to each of us. They build us up and edify us. They keep us balanced and accountable. Here are 5 reasons why we need good, godly friends in our lives.

In the comments below, share a few reasons for why you have godly friends. If you don't have godly friends, pray that God will bring godly friends into your life.Photo: Every storm comes to an end. Although it may look bleak, trust in His master plan.

Path, Pray, Trust, Praise...

Photo: #TrustHim #RehabTimePhoto: Pray that you'll love your son-in-law or daughter-in-law with all your heart, and that he or she will have a strong committed relationship with the Lord. 

If your adult child is already married to someone wonderful, pray for his or her spouse to be blessed in every way. However, if your child is married to someone who concerns you, pray that God will pour our His Spirit upon him or her and work in that person His love, peace, graciousness, and beauty of character. 

-Power of Praying for Your Adult Children Christ is the reason I rejoice and the source of my praise. - John Hagee Ministries

Feet, Proof, Lose, With...

Photo: Carol J Terry shared Smoky Mountain Christian Village's photo.- with Keisha Jones-Gerald, Jacqueline GraceandMercy Wallace and 2 others like this.Photo: Praise Jesus! !!!!!!!!Photo: Something To Sleep On - Like Baisden LivePhoto

Ever, Less, Praise, Here...

Carol J Terry's photo.Photo: Michael Baisden Quote Of The Day! 

Ain't that the truth!Photo: If you are facing the most difficult situation in your life… praise the Lord! He will deliver you! - John Hagee MinistriesPhoto: <3

Calls, Rock, He, High...

Photo: Sometimes we feel frustrated and overwhelmed when we think about all the issues in the world. However, everyone has a part, and as we live out our gifts and passions, one by one these devastating issues will begin to melt away. 

As we impact one person, the domino effect is then spread to everyone they touch. Each of us, living out our God-assigned mission, can change the world.  

--Wake Up, Generation by Paige Omartian Sometimes, it seems hard to get back up when you’re down, but you’re strong. You’ve made it this far. You can do this.PhotoPhoto

Your, You, Lord, Pray...

Photo: #smokymtnchristianPhoto: IF YOU HAVE TIME, TYPE AMEN !!!

Heal, Age, Right, Crazy...

Photo: Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. - 2 Cor 2:7
GOD BLESS YOU TODAY. ♥Photo: Like Baisden LivePhoto: I love this...Photo

Far, Fake, Falling, For...

Photo: Please SHARE!
www.wilburministries.comPhotoPhoto: Don't let failure take you out. God has plans for you but in order for you to fulfill those plans you must get up and keep going!Photo

Hope, Our, Love, Draw...

Photo: For a limited time the kindle ebook of God Will Carry You Through is only $2.99.
-The Lucado TeamPhoto: Our Banner is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother. - John Hagee MinistriesPhoto: God is forgiving and good. He loves you like crazy. Call to Him.Photo