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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Minister Calvin Watt

Good morning Family,
Question Family; Has God ever spoken directly to you in such a way that you knew that it was actually His voice speaking to you specifically? I don't mean just an appropriate verse of Scripture, or a circumstance that seemed probable that it was God. I am talking about a situation that you know that you know it was the God of the universe speaking directly to you.

I will never forget the first time it happen to me. You see family; I was in prison. One night while I was asleep He spoke to me. Let me say that at first I thought that it was a dream. What I didn’t understand family is that god was calling and the first time I could hear Him.
I want you to know family that it is important to know how God speaks to us. God speaks by the Holy Spirit, through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church to reveal Himself, His purposes, and His ways. You can examine the life of every major character in the Bible and see this principle expressed in the way God worked in each of their lives. One of the ways God speaks is through others. God often used others to speak to individuals, especially in the Old Testament when God often spoke through the prophets. This is still one of the ways He speaks today.

Several years ago I was in a church that I had never been in before. I was in the midst of a tremendous trial. I met the Prophet Andre Cook and he prayed for me, and as he did, he began to describe a picture that was reflective of my life since I was a young Christian. I had just joined the Hollywood Baptist Church. I was only there for about three years. After he had finished praying he told me to “Cut the TV off and study the bible more”. But what got me family is the fact that he called me Minister….Wow! A year after that, I announced my calling. For two years I walked in training to become a Minister and obtained an Associate’s Degree in Biblical Studies. When God chooses to speak into our lives through others, it can be an incredible blessing. He speaks in many ways. This is just one of them.

God desires to encourage us by speaking to us. He does this in many ways. The next time someone speaks into your life, prayerfully consider whether God is using that person to convey something important He wants you to know. He is probably speaking to you right now! Amen, Amen and Amen. God Bless You all and have a Great Godly Day in the Lord.

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