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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Minister Calvin Watt

Good Morning Family; THIS IS REAL TALK!
Let me start off by saying to you this morning that most of you know my story. But for those who don’t, I am a recovering addict with 15 years clean and sober. I thank God for taking the taste of Drugs and Alcohol out of my mouth. I don’t mind telling you this because the more I tell you about me, the less you will have to talk about! The reason I am telling you this is because I would rather go through life clean and sober believing I'm a recovering drug addict and alcoholic , than go through life high and drunk, trying to prove I'm not." Sometime today, you will understand what I just said!

I remember going to meetings and listening to newcomers share that they don't think they are drug addicts and alcoholics. Sure they like to party, they admit, and perhaps they had a DUI or two, or lost a good job or made a bad scene (arguing and fighting), and going to jail, but they can control their usage of drugs and drinking when they have to. Eventually someone points out that people who don't have a drug or drinking problem are rarely at meetings trying to defend or explain their getting high or being drunk!

I want you to understand family that for a long time I also resisted the idea that I might be a drug addict and alcoholic. The longer I stayed clean and sober and learned about the disease, and the more I compared my behavior with other drug addicts and alcoholics around me, the more I had to admit that I probably was one, too. Let me say this: if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck! Rather than be a sentence (Jail Time), though, this turned out to be the key that set me free.

Today, I've stopped debating whether I'm a drug addict or alcoholic or not, and I choose to live a clean and sober life. It's kind of like that saying about whether to believe in God or not and I choose to believe in God! Why? Because there is no way I could be clean and sober without Him! In other words family, I'd rather live my life believing that there is a God and find out in the end there isn't, than live my life believing there isn't a God and end up finding out there is. In the end, it's about living a good life, and that's what being clean (Drug Free) allows me to do. By the Grace of God, I live! God Bless You All, Have A Great Godly Day in the Lord.

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