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Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Minister Calvin Watt
Good Morning Family; This Is Real Talk! Question family; have you ever made plans to do something or go somewhere and everything that could go wrong does? Back in the day, we called this: (Murphy’s Law.) This has happen to me on more than one occasion. One morning I got up ready to go to an important meeting. The first thing that happen while ironing my shirt, I heard my coffee pot over flowing.
For some reason the water did not go through the filter and made a mess. As I begin to clean up the mess, I heard the iron beeping; so I went to unplug it and realized that I left the iron face down on my shirt which had burned a hole in my brand new white shirt.

By now family, I was past the point of anger. An hour and a half later; I finally arrived at my destination an hour after my scheduled time. I want you to know family that plans do not always go as we hope. Sometimes they are hindered for our purposes. Sometimes we are dealing in a spiritual realm in which we must realize that we are truly in a spiritual battle. And sometimes we are even hindered to protect us. After looking at this situation, I believe I was being hindered from getting to this meeting. However, perseverance and God's grace allowed me to make the meeting. When I got there, everyone was standing around talking; so I asked what was going on and I was told that one of the people that were supposed to speak was robbed and killed at the carwash about an hour ago.

Now here’s the thing family; my plan was to stop and wash my car first; but because I was already late, I kept going. All I could do was look up and wonder and say to myself: OMG that could have been me! The next time your plans are thwarted, begin asking what is at the root of the calamities. Ask God for discernment on what is taking place. Just as He revealed to Daniel, God will show you what is behind such events. God Bless You All and Have A Great Godly Day in the Lord.

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