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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bishop T.D. Jakes...

The Potter's House of Dallas
Bishop T.D. Jakes

Think about your goals in life, make a plan to accommodate the costs, get into action mode and build. God wants to revolutionize your life!

Have you felt you were on the verge of something phenomenal, that you were waiting for that particular breakthrough that seemed to be taunting you by making you wait? All of us have faced days that seemed as though God had forgotten us. Patience gets a workout when God’s answer is no answer. In other words, God’s answer is not always yes or no; sometimes He says, “Not now!”

You are who God says you are, and He has a plan that will turn your situation around if you’ll keep the faith.

Heavenly Father, please forgive me for those times I’ve settled for less than Your best, for those times I’ve been impatient and tried to take matters into my own hands. Protect me from the snares of the enemy. Help me to know Your love for me and allow You to nourish and sustain me, even while keeping the desires of my heart alive. Please give me patience to trust in You along the way. Amen.

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