Blog Archive

Monday, May 5, 2014


Dear Heavenly Father,

Though there may be times when things will get out of control and our hearts will grow weary I pray that Your will be done in our life. Lord, mold us, and shape us, help us to live according to Your will. Father You are the potter and we are the clay. Let our hearts not be troubled for You are in charge and You are God. Guide us and help us a we face each day. Give us the courage and strength to live each day the way that pleases You. Father we are thankful for Your love that sees us through each day. Let not the enemy steal or take away our joy may our Joy always be in You & In Jesus Our Precious Savior. Bless each person who reads this and may we always trust fully in YOU for all good things come from You and You are able to remove the mountains that are so hard to climb and You are able to restore any situation in our life. Father I lift up all my loved ones to You and pray that You will answer our prayers according to Your will. Bless us all Father. In Jesus Name...AMEN!!!


Isaiah 64:8 - We are the clay, You are the Potter; we are all the work of Your hand

Father God: Let your will be done in my life and not my will. I pray that I will always remember that regardless of my trials you are there with me and you will never abandon nor forsake me. I pray that you will always be my strength and that you may always have thine own way in my life Lord. Bless all my brothers and sisters on this site and answer our prayers according to your will and not ours. In Jesus Mighty Name I Pray...AMEN!


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