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Monday, July 14, 2014

Minister Calvin Watt

Good Morning Family; Please allow me to pray,
Father God, I come to You this morning with my hands held high in a sign of surrender, asking You for the forgiveness of my sins. Lord God You know how hard it is to see your children and families hurting when they do not communicate with You and one another, when they are self-centered, out of your will, and following the wrong paths. Maybe they get too busy to nourish the really important relationships in their lives.

I pray right now; in the name of Jesus for my own family, for all of the families of my friends on face book and around the world, for husbands and wives who have grown apart or are on the verge of divorce, for children who are rebellious and angry, for parents who are too busy and irritated, for those who are bitter or hurt. Lord God please reach down and tug on their hearts, speak to their minds, and show them the way. I pray the root of their problems will be exposed and that through the Holy Spirit, through Your Word, through a caring friend or a concerned Christian, or whatever You know is best, that You will turn around those lives that are headed the wrong direction and put them back together.

I pray that these families will become healthy, happy, God honoring, loving. communicating, families. God, for the families that are doing well, I pray that You would protect them from the evil one; surround them with guardian angels; and keep that family under your wings of love and guidance. Thank you for listening to Your humble servants prayer, in Jesus' mighty name, Amen, Amen and Amen. God Bless You All and Have A Great Godly Day in the Lord.

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