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Monday, April 28, 2014

Encouragement II

Dear Lord,
I pray for those that are tired and weary. I pray that you pour out your anointing over them. Refresh their spirits, give them joy and peace. I lift them up to You. You know their needs, their pain, and their sorrow. I pray for renewal in Your precious name. Let them feel Your love. AMEN!!!

The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

Isaiah 58:11Not everything in this life goes our way. 
There is no lack of injustice & pain & anxiety in this world. But none of this comes from our Heavenly Father. We should, keep none of it to ourselves. Rather, Our Heavenly Father is inviting us to bring it all to Him, no matter how big or small, so that He can give us His guidance & His comfort. He wants us to be grateful that He is with us, no matter what troubled paths we are on now. This is how our hearts can be guarded & protected. This is how we can hold onto our peace in good & bad days. We may not learn this overnight, but our wise & loving Heavenly Father can teach us, As we learn to bring everything to Him with gratitude & trust.

By the Grace that God has poured on you, God can use your weakness to accomplish great and remarkable things in your life. You are feeling small and insignificant because of circumstances you are facing. If you feel there is nothing in you that God can use because of circumstances.
Think again...
God has greater things in mind for you…far more than you can ever imagine...

Dear Heavenly Father, Please draw me close to You today. In Your Mighty presence is the fullness of life, peace and joy. I want to be filled with Your Divine Holy Spirit. Knowing I am deeply loved by You, which always makes me glad.

Dear Father, I cannot imagine living my life without You. I want to be near to You each day. There is and overwhelming joy of being near to You, and the comfort of Your Loving embrace.
For without You Dear Father, there is no meaning to life, there is only complete darkness, distress and pain.

Dear Heavenly Father, You are my loving Father, Your are my very essence of life. I am renewed and happy with You by my side. I give You all the thanks and praise for all my Blessings on this day and for my Blessings in days to come. In Jesus' Mighty Name I give You Glory and Honor.

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