Blog Archive

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Encouragement 111

Dear Heavenly Father.

I humbly come before You and pray for all our brothers and sisters who put their prayers before You. Many are struggling very hard, and facing difficult and heart breaking circumstances.

I don't know all the challenges and the true reality of their struggles, but You know. I see their silent prayer requests; You hear and see their cries, their tears and their prayers. I see the laughter on their profile pictures; You see the tears in their eyes and pain in their hearts. I see what they write and express in their praise to You. You see all that has been taken away from them. I see their beautiful appearance on profile pictures. You see the scars and wounds in their hearts and souls. Encourage Your children.

Father, please have mercy on Your suffering children. Please reach out to them with Your mighty hand, and raise them out their suffering. Do not forsake Your children, for they are the apple of Your own eye. Father, please hold them close in Your Loving arms and comfort the suffering of Your children who cry out to You in their agony. I seek and pray in Your Mighty Name Jesus. AMEN

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